Key Features | digital tachograph solutions
- Compliance with European and national legislation for digital tachograph solutions
- Automatic retrieval of tachograph data
- Automatic processing and analysis of tachograph data
- Download data via Fleet Management system
- Download data via mobile app
- Driver Violation Risk and Trend Assessment
- Mobile application for drivers
- Mobile application for managers
- Digital Data Archive
- Automatic payroll according to tachograph data
- Daily Billing
- Planning driving and rest times
- Predictions of remaining driving and rest time
- API integration with other systems

Mobile Work Working Time Directive | digital tachograph solutions
Tacho CLOUD helps you avoid high legal penalties for violating the regulations of the Mobile Work Time Directive. It helps to introduce a culture of compliance and provides very easy and transparent control over breaches of regulations related to the Mobile Work Time Directive.
Violation trend and risk assessment | digital tachograph solutions
The system continuously monitors the trend of violations of each individual driver according to the data from the digital tachograph and the driver’s memory card, and generates a risk assessment for each driver according to the collected data.
Overall statistics help you to see the amount of violations and to easily track progress in reducing violations.
Planning the remaining working hours | digital tachograph solutions
Tacho Cloud automatically calculates the remaining working time, taking into account all aspects of future estimates based on data from the digital tachograph and the driver’s memory card.
Track the remaining driving time of drivers, rest periods, violations and plan transport routes according to this information. All information is available on a simple and clear dashboard within the system on your computer or mobile device.
Digital Data Archive | digital tachograph solutions
A complete archive of all downloaded digital data (DDD files) from the digital tachograph and driver memory cards is available to you from the moment you start using the system.
In this way, you fulfill the legal obligation to archive downloaded DDD files.
Calculation of salaries to drivers according to data from tachographs and memory cards
If your company calculates salaries for drivers according to the working hours recorded by the tachograph, then Tacho Cloud is the right solution for you. Namely, the system records the working hours of the driver and displays them in a data form that serves as the basis for the calculation.
Information is available on the exact times of driving and driving, then on day and night working hours, passing through other countries and working hours in other countries.
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Daily allowances with digital tachograph solutions
Simply, quickly and accurately calculate the driver’s per diems according to the data from the tachograph, taking into account the exact times and countries in which the driver started and finished working hours.
API integration | digital tachograph solutions
Tacho Cloud has detailed API documentation for integrations with other systems. Fully automate business processes and integrate tagograph data within your ERP system or the system you use to control and calculate. With the help of integration, establish a complete system within which all information about drivers and fleet is available to you in one place.